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A Dairy Family,
5 Generations Strong
Nestled in the valley on Elk Creek Road in Delhi, New York stands the original farm house and barn of Clark Farms founder, Peter Clark. Built over a century ago, these buildings are still used for farming today, as his legacy continues five generations later. With a history rich in family values, education, environmental preservation, and progressive agricultural practices, Clark Dairy Farms continues to exemplify top quality production and the love of all things dairy.

191O — 2Os

Clark Family OG Peter Clark, circa 19O7

These girls are always family.
Great Grandfather Lynn and his brother, Uncle Bob
193O — 4O's

"Cooning" once brought in extra cash.
Young Grandpa Pete

Homemade Tractor made by Great Grandpa Lynn

195O — 6O's

Uncle Funny ( Dave ) & his brother Peter up to something.
Grandpa Pete and his mom, Mildred
197O — 8O's

Great Grampa Lynn stoking the syrup boiler.
Grandpa Pete

198O — 9O's

Winter, Spring, Summer. Fall.
Never not working.
1993 — a brand new parlor!
We even tried bee keeping, and may return to it soon.

Brother, Darin Clark
Sister Taylor and Cousin Wade
Kyle Clark , a born Dairy Man.

Three generations — Pete, Tom and Kyle

In 2O18, Kyle Clark returns home with a degree in AG Sciences and plans to resurrect the old creamery that once stood on his family's farm. After years of research, learning and hard work, Clark Farms Creamery opens as a fully functioning 21st century dairy lab in the winter of 2O2O with aim of providing the freshest dairy products possible to the Catskills and beyond.
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